Vaseline - what to consider:
What is petroleum jelly ?
Vaseline is a mixture of liquid and solid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. The melting point is reached at 38° C to 60° C.
How is petroleum jelly produced?
Petroleum jelly is obtained from residues left over from petroleum distillation. The purification and bleaching process of raw petroleum jelly is carried out by sulfuric acid, bleaching earth and activated carbon until it becomes the familiar creamy substance.
Where is petrolatum used?
Vaseline is used in both pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. It is effective against dry skin, as a protective ointment, ointment base or even as a protection against cold. Furthermore, it is used in the production of milking grease and is used as a wound protector for babies and small children. Due to its paraffin-typical chemical properties such as hydrophobicity, inertness and resistance, petrolatum offers a wide range of applications.
What are the properties of petrolatum?
Petroleum jelly is considered to be a very skin caring and protecting substance, it is water repellent and has occlusive properties. When applied to the skin, it forms a film which is impermeable and thus retains water. It is also a long-lasting product, as it does not oxidize.